Overview of Web Development
1)Client-side Programming
2)Server-side Programming
Types of Webpages
1)Static Webpage
2)Dynamic Webpage
3)Server Webpage
Types Of Languages
1)Programming Languages
2)Scripting Languages
Introduction To HTML / HTML 5
Structure Of HTML
Attributes & Parameters
1)Empty Tag
2)Container Tag
3)Basic Tags
4)Meta Tags
5)Formatting Tags
6)Phrase Tags
7)Font tag
8)Image tag
9)Link Tags
10)Marquee Tag
11)Table Tag
12)Form tags
13)Frame Tag
1)Image Link
2)Text Link
3)Email Link
1)Order List
2)Unorder List
3)Nested List
4)Definition List
Background Colors & Images
Embed Multimedia - Movie, Music
Introduction To XHTML
Difference Between HTML & XHTML
Introduction To Doctypes
Introduction to css
What is css
Types of css
What is inline css
Discuss inline css
What is internal css
Discuss internal css
Discuss about properties
Types of selector
Difference b/w class selector and id selector
What is div
Template creation with divs
Difference b/w div and span
External css
Introduction JavaScript
What is JavaScript
What is statement
Types of statements
What is variable
Variable declaration
What is an operator
Types of operators
Types of selector
Discuss operators theoretically and practically
Conditional statements
Introduction to loops
For loop examples
While loop examples
Difference b/w while and dowhile loops
Parameterized functions
Non-parameterized functions
Recursive functions
Difference b/w parameterized and non-parameterized functions
Math calculations using functions
Math calculations using functions and forms
Introduction to objects
What is property and method
String object
Math object
Navigator object
screen object
Date object
Array object
Introduction to HTMLDOM
Document object
Window object
Discuss dropdown menu practically
Discuss navigation menu practically
Introduction Bootstrap
What is Bootstrap
Types of Bootstrap
Bootstrap Grids
BS Grid System
BS Stacked
BS Horizontal
BS Vertical
Introduction jQuery
What is jQuery
Adding the jQuery Library to Your Pages
Basic jQuery Example
Downloading jQuery
Alternatives to Downloading
jQuery Syntax
The Document Ready Function
How to use Custom Scripts
Using Multiple Libraries
jQuery – noConflict() Method
jQuery – Basics
jQuery – Selectors
How to use Selectors
jQuery – DOM Attributes
jQuery Callback Functions
jQuery – DOM Traversing
jQuery – CSS Methods
jQuery – DOM Manipulation Methods
jQuery – Events Handling
jQuery – Effects
jQuery – AJAX
jQuery – JSON
React js
Introduction React js
What is React js
ReactJS vs. libraries
frameworks and ReactJS
Features overview of ReactJS
Building Blocks of ReactJS Virtual DOM
Components in React JS
Handling routing in ReactJS
Getting to know more on third party routing components
Refs· Get DOM Node
JIT vs Pre-process transformer
HTML Attributes
Default props
Introduction to AngularJS
What is AngularJS
Introduction to MV* frameworks
Creating the application with AngularJS
How to start with Angularjs
What is ng-app
What are modules in Angularjs
What is Two Way Binding?
How angular performs two way binding
What is a module and the concept of modules
How to Inject various modules
Creating a simple view
Creating an Angular Controller
How the controller talks to the view
Extending the view with various built in directives
Services in AngularJS
Demonstrating the use of filters in Angular
Demonstrating Angular Routing
Demonstrating Providers in AngularJS
Working with RESTFul Services and $http and other providers