Online Training
By Our Industry Expert
Online Batches |
Date |
Timing |
3 FEB Batch |
9:00 AM |
9:00 PM |
- Introduction to IOS
- iPhone and iPad Device Anatomy
- iOS Architecture and SDK Frameworks
- iOS and SDK Version Compatibility
- Apple iOS Developer Program
Xcode 5
- Tour of the IDE
- Templates, Projects, and Workspaces
- Creating a New Project
- Debug Gauges
- Asset Management
- XCTest Testing Framework
- Continuous Integration and Bots
- Automatic Configuration
Objective-C for Experienced Programmers
- Classes, Objects, and Methods
- Declared Properties
- Memory Management
- Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)
- Categories and Extensions
- Formal and Informal Protocols
- Blocks
Application Patterns and Architecture
- Model View Controller (MVC)
- IBOutlets and IBActions
- Subclassing and Delegation
Views and Windows
- Containers
- The View Hierarchy
- Controls
- Text and Web Views
- Navigation View and Tab Bars
- Alert Views and Action Sheets
- Controlling Rotation Behavior
- View Autosizing
- Autolayout
- Adding Scenes
- Segues
- Transitions
- Using in a Tab Bar Application
Table Views
- Static and Dynamic Table Views
- Delegates and DataSources
- Table View Styles
- Custom Cells
Navigation Based Applications
- Adding the Root View Controller
- Creating the Navigation Controller
- Controlling the Stack Navigation Programmatically
UIPickerView and UIDatePicker
- Designing the UI
- Coding for the Data Picker
- Hiding the Keyboard
- Memory Management
Directories and Files
- NSFileManager, NSFileHandle, and NSData
- Problems Solved by ADO.NET Entity Framework
- Pathnames in Objective-C
- Working with Directories
- Working with Files
- Reading and Writing from a File
- iCloud
- Key-Value Data
- Archiving
Working with Data
- SQLite Integration
- Using SQLite Directly
- Overview of Core Data
- Managed Objects
- Persistent Store Coordinator
- Entity Descriptions
- Retrieving and Modifying Data
Multitouch, Taps, and Gestures
- The Responder Chain
- Touch Notification Methods
- Enabling Multitouch on the View
- Gesture Motions
- Gesture Recognizers
- Core Graphics and Quartz 2D
- Lines,Paths,andShapes
- Core Animation Blocks
- Animation Curves
- Transformations
- Application States
- Background Execution
- Background App Refresh in iOS 7
- State Restoration
- Local Notifications
- Push Notifications
Core Location Framework
- Location Accuracy
- Obtaining Location Information
- Calculating Distances
- MapKit Framework and MKMapView
- Grand Central Dispatch (GCD)
- Serial and Concurrent Queues
- Main Dispatch Queue
- Completion Blocks
- Operation Queues
- Reachability
- Synchronous Downloads
- Asynchronous Downloads
- Handling Timeouts
- Sending HTTP GET and POST Requests
- Parsing JSON
- Parsing XML
- AirDrop
Targeting Multiple Devices
- iPhone vs. iPad
- Universal Apps
- Multiple SDK Support
- Detecting Device Capabilities
- Supporting iOS 6 and iOS 7
- Resources
- Language and Region
- NSLocale
- Text
- Dates
- Numbers
Performance and Power Optimization
- Measuring Performance
- Instruments
- Responsiveness
- Memory Usage, Spikes, and Leaks
- Networking and Power